A work shift refers to a specific period of time during which an individual is scheduled to work. It is a predetermined schedule that determines when an employee starts and ends their workday.
Horilla’s shift is flexible to manage night and day shifts, So let’s see how to create a day shift.
Go to Horilla HRMS settings in the right corner of the main navigation bar, then go to employee shift
From here you can create the template for the general shift.
Shift: Shift title
Weekly Full Time: Weekly minimum hours to work for an employee on that shift.
Full Time: Monthly minimum hours to work for an employee on that shift.
After creating the shift template now you can create a schedule for that shift so now go to Employee shift schedule right below the employee shift-tab.
After that choose the days that you want to set the schedule. And enter the start, end times for the day shift and hit save button.
Now you are all set, From now on you can choose the shift on employee work information
Note: if the start time is greater than the end time then it considered a night shift for the scheduled day.
With the shift schedule attendance module will find late come and early out attendances throughout the check-in checkout feature.