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Employee Module

The Employee Management Software module allows HR professionals to manage the employee database which includes employee’s personal, bank, and work details.



This is the first view of Horilla’s Employee section. In the above picture marked as 1 is the main section Employee module and in the sidebar marked as 2 is the profile view of an employee. Here a login user can see all the details from this view. At the right top the edit button marked as 3 will lead us to another form view for updating the employees personal information and bank information. By clicking the 3 dots marked as 4 in the picture will appear a small tabular view of all the tabs available for employee view along with a checkbox marked as 5. Employees can decide which tabs should appear in the profile view, if we disable the tick of a particular tab it will disappear from the view.

So let’s go through the tabs. First one is the About tab for showing the employee personal, work and bank information and the contract details. Shown in the above picture.


The next one is Worktype & shift. In this view an employee will get a tabular view of all his Work type requests, Rotating work type, Shift request and Rotating shift requests. Form that view employee can request for all mentioned requests.  And there is a feature called shift reallocation for employees available inside this view. There is a button named “Reallocate shift” marked as 1 for shift reallocation, if an employee needs to change his shift for a short period he/she should reallocate the shift it means the employee should request for reallocation by including the employee who is reallocating and to which shift with the start and end date with description. Then the request will go for the reallocated employee and the admin, the reallocated employee can show some response that he is available for this shift change or not and the admin can approve or reject the request. After approval from admin both employees shift will interchange at the start date of request. 


The next tab is Attendance for showing all of his attendance with all the details in a tabular view. By clicking the row it will populate individual view of that attendance.


The Leave tab will give a view of all leave request details and also shows the available leave types for the employee and the employee can request for a leave from this view. At the right top the tag indicates that marked as 1 is to show the status of the requests that color given at the left side of the data row. The leave type marked as 2 is the available leave types for the employee and by clicking each user can request for leave in that leave type.


The Payroll tab shows the payslip generated for that employee. By clicking the single row it will redirect to a single detailed view of that payslip. By using the download button marked as 1 user can download the corresponding payslip in a pdf format.


The next one is allowance & deduction which will give all allowances and deductions available for that employee and if he is an admin he can create by clicking the + button marked as 1  in the table.


The Penalty account tab is for showing the penalty that the employee got. If the employee takes extra leaves or having LOP days then admin can add penalty by an amount or leave days , if a payslip generated is coming under the period of penalty the amount will be deducted.


In the Asset tab will give the detailed view of the asset that the employee currently using, and from there the employee can request for a new asset by clicking the button marked as 1. In the individual view by clicking the row there is option to return the asset.


And the Performance tab is for showing the feedback that an employee is involved in. If the employees feedback is already answerd he can view the answers by clicking the eye button or is not answered user can answer by clicking the icon beside the eye button inside the data row marked as 1.


The next tab is Documents which can be used for keeping the employee documents in his profile page. Using the create button marked as 1 the user can keep his/her document in the tab. And if any document is requested by the admin the request will be visible in the tab and the user should be able to upload the file. The action buttons is visible because the employee is the admin for normal employees the buttons marked as 2 is not available. The buttons are for approve reject and delete the files that are uploaded by the employees. This will be explained in Document request section.


The Bonus point tab is for redeeming the bonus point that was given to the employee by his manager or admin. In the admin view, the adding button appears marked as 1 admin can add bonus points to employees by giving through the employee profiles from the employee view. Bonus points can be redeemed by clicking the Redeem Now button marked as 2 and giving the points that you want to convert. The redeemed bonus point will appear as the amount in that month’s generated payslip. The bonus point per amount can be set in the settings page Settings->General Settings->Encashment Redeem Condition. 


If an employee wants to resign from the company he can request for resignation by clicking the create button marked as 1 from the Resignation tab available in the profile view. Other options are visible only for the admin view. The top of the card view marked as 2 are send mail, edit the request and delete respectively. The approve and reject are marked as 3 to approve the resignation request and to reject. If the request is approved the employee will be sent to the off-boarding section.




By clicking the Employee under the main tab Employees marked as 1 You can view the employee directory or the employee database view. There are Mainly two views available for now: card and list. From here you can view all the details of the employee or create an employee from here by clicking the button on the right of the page after the search bar, marked as 2 there are all options for filter, group by view etc. In the Action menu there are so many options such as import, export, bulk archive, bulk unarchive, bulk update and bulk delete. We can select and have these actions for bulk selected data. The quick filters marked as 3 are for quick filtration of data that contain employees who are online and offline. The Select all instance at top of the table is common in all the list views of the whole software. That button is to select all the data by a single click and the selected count is also shown beside the button after selection, and export and unselect option will also be available. The 3 dot  marked as 4 is for employee selection for which column should be visible in the table. Inside the table there are 4 actions. First one is send mail, admin can send mail to employees just by clicking their corresponding data. And update archive & unarchive and delete respectively.


Document Request


The document request view can only be accessed by the administrators, employees with permission to view it, and the reporting managers.

To open the document request view, click on employees (marked as 1) → Document request (marked as 2). The image shown above shows the document request view.

The user can search or filter the data in the view by using search and filter. The action button will show a drop-down list for bulk approving and bulk rejecting the documents. 

The user can create a document request by clicking on the create button.


This is the form to create a document request. The fields in the title are:

By creating a document request here each employee will get a notification and they can upload the document from their profile.

The action button (marked as 4) can be used to edit and delete the document request.

The count of total requested employees to the count of employees who uploaded the document is shown in the box near the title (marked as 5).

The buttons marked from 6 to 9 show the different stages of document upload.

The icon 6 indicates that the document needs to be uploaded, icon 9 indicates the document is uploaded and waiting for approval, icon 8 indicates approved document, and icon 7 indicates rejected document. 

The admin or the reporting managers can approve, reject, or delete the document uploaded by the employees by using the corresponding buttons.

Clicking on the document will show the preview of the document uploaded as shown below.


From this modal the managers can verify and approve or reject the document.

The document can be re-uploaded using the ‘Upload file’ button and can be downloaded by clicking on the download button.

By clicking on icon 6 or on the upload file button a form to upload the file will be shown as below.


From this form, employees can upload the document and if the document has any expiry date (like visa documents) expiry date can be mentioned in the field and can provide the days before the employee needs to get an expiration notification in the notify before field. The notify before field will only be available if the expiry date is set. The expiration field is optional and can be left blank for no expiration.

In each document request batch, 10 employees are shown on each page and pagination can be used for accessing others.


Shift Request


Shift request page can be accessed by clicking the shift request marked as 1 from the side bar under the Employee tab. Here we have a tabular view of all shift requests, for employee view it will show their own requests and for managers their subordinates request also. At the top navbar marked as 2 we have filter, group by, actions such as export, bulk approve, bulk reject and bulk delete options.

Shifts are the schedules for an employee to work for a day, for example when a night shift employee needs a regular shift for a particular period then the employee can request using the Horilla feature to manage employee work information. So no need to update the details manually on the work information of the employee, shift and work type requests are automated so it will automatically update the previous shift back when the requested period ends. A manager or the administrator can approve, cancel and delete the requests. The requested employee can cancel the request if he/she wants to cancel the request. To change the employee shift on the requested day then the administrator or the manager need to approve the request first.

We can create a shift request by using the create button in the same page.


This is the form for a shift request. For all requests and approval corresponding notifications will be sent. Here we have an employee requesting a shift, start and end date of the shift. We have a field name Permanent Request in the form for requesting a permanent shift which has no end date.

From the table we get a clear idea about that request and have an individual view also by clicking the row. And the table heading indicating an arrow to show the alignment of sorted data. By clicking the table heading data will be aligned according to the ascending or descending order of the clicked head data. So we can simply sort the data by just clicking the heading where the arrow mark is present.

In the table we have a Comment option marked as 6 for all each request which the employee and manager can add comments under some request if they have some queries. And the 3 actions marked as 5 are used for update, duplicate and delete a request respectively. The duplicate option is to create a new element with the same data which can be simply called duplicate, by clicking the icon a form will appear along with the data of the particular request. At the top of the table there are quick filters marked as 3 available for  Approved and Rejected shift requests, by clicking that tag result will be filtered and shown. The 3 dots marked as 4 is for the employee to select which column should show in the table.

We can see the table has 2 tabs Shift Request and Allocated Shift Requests. We already discussed the reallocation of shifts from the employee profile section. The requests that are created from there will appear under this tab.


This is the request from some employees for reallocation to some shift along with an allocated employee, so the same view appears in the allocated employees’ shift request. If the allocated employee is available for the shift change he can show the response by clicking the tick mark or cross mark along with the request. 

In the admin or manager side view there is an extra field in the table called User Availability which will show the response of the allocated employee as Not Marked, Available or Not Available. So the admin can approve or reject the request. If he approves the request the shifts will be interchanged between the requested employee and allocated employee at the start date. We can see the form of allocated request creation.

Employee-> Profile-> work type& shift there is the button for creation.


So in this form an employee should select the requesting shift and an allocated employee, along with a start and end date. After approval requested employee’s shift to allocated employee and vice-versa.


Work Type Request


Employee work type request view can be accessed by clicking the work type marked as 1 under Employees view. Work types are the work nature of how the employee should work like from the office, home, etc. Similarly to the shift requests, the employee can request a different work type if he/she wants to work with a different work type for a particular period. When the period ends, the previous work type should be updated automatically.  To change the employee worktype on the requested day then the administrator or the manager need to approve the request first. Here we have all the work type request view as tabular view as the same as our shift request view. All features in the list tabular view are the same in almost all views. The 3 dots, quick filters, the actions, duplicates etc all options.


Rotating Shift Assign


Rotating shift assign is used to manage the frequently changing shift information of employees. You can create rotating shift assign with some based on conditions. There are mainly three conditions after, weekend, and monthly.

After: Update the shift information with fixed intervals of days

Weekend: Update the shift information on any weekday that you choose.

Monthly: Update the shift information on every date that you choose.


Rotating Work Type Assign


Rotating work-type assign is used to manage the frequently changing work type like rotating shift. You can create rotating work-type assign with some based on conditions. There are mainly three conditions after, weekend, and monthly like the rotating shift assign.

After: Update the shift information with fixed intervals of days

Weekend: Update the shift information on any weekday that you choose.

Monthly: Update the shift information on every date that you choose.


Disciplinary Actions

Disciplinary action is used if any misbehaving or anything is done by the employee in the organization, then the admin can take actions against him like a warning, suspension or dismissal like that. So in the settings page, we need to create the action that should be taken against an employee. At that time the admin can decide if the action is taken then the employee’s login needs to be blocked or not, if it is turned on a suspended or a dismissed employee’s login credentials get blocked he/she cannot log in to the software for the period of the action dates. The disciplinary action can be accessed by clicking the Disciplinary action marked as 1 in the submenu of Employees. We have a tabular view that shows all the details of that action taken. In the suspension type, we have 2 options for how the suspension should be taken, can take suspension for day-based or hour-based. If the actions login is blocked is turned on then after the period based on hour or day, the blocked login will be removed automatically.




Company policies are a set of guidelines and rules established by an organization to govern the behaviour, actions, and decision-making of its employees. These policies serve several purposes, including ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, promoting a safe and respectful work environment, protecting company assets, and maintaining consistency and fairness in organizational practices. Here the admin can create the company policies and all the employees can access this for reading purposes by clicking the Policies menu marked as 1 under the Employees menu.


 Organization Chart


The organization chart is a simple view to see the employees who are working under. The main view can be accessed by clicking the organization chart marked as 1 in the picture. At the top of the view, there is a selection field to select the managers of the company, so by selecting the managers we can easily sort out the employees.