How Does the Rotating Shift Work in Horilla?

In today’s dynamic work environment, organizations strive to accommodate the diverse needs of their employees. One effective approach is the implementation of rotating shifts, where employees alternate between different shifts on a periodic basis. Rotating shifts distribute work hours and responsibilities fairly among employees, promote fairness, and maintain operational continuity in industries that require round-the-clock coverage. Horilla’s rotating shift feature offers a user-friendly solution for creating and managing rotating shift schedules, enabling organizations to effectively schedule employees across different time frames.
Rotating Shifts: A Versatile Work Scheduling Strategy
Rotating shifts in a company refer to a scheduling system where employees are periodically assigned to work different shifts on a rotating basis. Instead of consistently working the same shift, employees alternate between morning, afternoon, and night shifts or between different time slots over a defined period of time.
The purpose of implementing rotating shifts in a company is to distribute work hours and shift responsibilities fairly among employees. It ensures that all employees have an opportunity to experience different shifts and prevents any single employee from consistently working undesirable shifts. Rotating shifts also help to maintain 24/7 operations in industries that require continuous coverage, such as healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and customer support.
Here is an overview of the aspects of a rotating shift schedule:
Rotation Pattern: The rotation pattern determines how often employees switch between different shifts. Common rotation patterns include daily rotation, weekly rotation, or longer cycles like monthly rotation. The specific rotation schedule depends on the needs and policies of the company.
Horilla’s Rotating Shift Feature: Streamlining Work Schedule Management
Horilla provides a user-friendly platform that allows for the creation and management of rotating shifts, enabling organizations to effectively schedule employees across different time frames. By following a few simple steps, businesses can implement and maintain a rotating shift schedule that meets their unique requirements.
Step-1 Creating Rotating Shift
To create a rotating shift, access the “Settings” menu in Horilla and select “Rotating Shift.” Fill in the required fields, including the title of the rotating shift and the available shift options derived from previously created employee shifts. This customizable approach allows organizations to tailor rotating shifts to their specific needs. Once the information is entered, click “Save Changes” to create the rotating shift schedule.
- Name: Title of rotating shift
- Shift 1, Shift 2: Select option fields that are derived from previously created employee shift

Step-2 Assigning Rotating Shift
Assigning rotating shifts to employees is simplified in Horilla. Navigate to the “Employee” menu and choose “Rotating Shift Assign.” Click on the “Assign” button and provide the following details:
Employee (multiple-choice field): Select the employee(s) to whom the rotating shift will be assigned. This allows for individual customization, taking into account employee preferences and job requirements.
Rotating shift (select field): Choose the appropriate rotating shift from the available options. Horilla’s rotating shift feature enables organizations to create diverse shift patterns, including morning, afternoon, and night shifts.
Start date: Specify the date when the rotating shift will come into effect. This ensures a planned transition and allows employees to prepare for the shift change.
Based on (select field): Select the basis for rotation:
“After”: Define the rotation cycle by specifying the number of days. This provides a predictable pattern for shift changes, allowing employees to plan their schedules accordingly.
“Weekend”: Choose the weekday(s) for the rotation cycle. This option is ideal for organizations that prefer fixed rotating shifts during the week.
“Month”: Specify a specific day of the month for the rotation cycle. This offers flexibility in scheduling shift changes based on monthly events or specific requirements.
Once the necessary information is entered, click “Save Changes” to assign the rotating shift to the selected employees.

Horilla’s rotating shift feature provides organizations with an efficient and customizable solution for managing and optimizing employee work schedules. By implementing rotating shifts, businesses can ensure fair distribution of work hours, maintain operational continuity, and cater to individual employee preferences. The ability to seamlessly switch between different shifts promotes employee satisfaction, work-life balance, and productivity. With Horilla’s rotating shift feature, organizations can effectively schedule employees across various time frames, enabling them to adapt to changing business needs and employee preferences. By fostering a flexible and well-organized work environment, organizations can enhance employee engagement, satisfaction, and overall success.