Zapier: Efficient Onboarding Through Automation


Zapier streamlines the onboarding process with automated workflows, ensuring new hires get up to speed quickly and efficiently.

Buffer: Role & Social Integration With a Buddy System


Buffer pairs new employees with a buddy for seamless role integration and social bonding, creating a supportive onboarding environment.

Google: The Noogler System for Seamless Onboarding


Google's Noogler program offers a structured approach to help new hires integrate smoothly, complete with a comprehensive welcome kit.

Zappos: Immersive Customer Support Training


Zappos provides extensive customer support training, immersing new hires in the company's renowned customer service culture.

HubSpot: Comprehensive Product Training


HubSpot ensures that new employees receive thorough training on their products and services, setting them up for success in their roles.

Meta: Immersive Bootcamp Onboarding


Meta’s immersive boot camp onboarding program helps new hires gain a deep understanding of the company culture & operational processes.

Netflix: Culture-Centric Onboarding


Netflix focuses on culture-centric onboarding, emphasizing company values and expectations to align new hires with its unique culture.

Spotify: Innovation Through “Controlled Chaos”


Spotify uses a "controlled chaos" approach in onboarding, encouraging innovation and adaptability in a dynamic work environment.

Taktile: Continuous Feedback in Onboarding


Taktile integrates continuous feedback into its onboarding process, allowing new hires to adjust and improve in real-time.

Accenture: Virtual Reality Onboarding in the Metaverse


Accenture leverages virtual reality in the Metaverse for an engaging and interactive onboarding experience that immerses new hires in their digital workplace.

Verisys: Personalized Remote Onboarding


Verisys offers a personalized remote onboarding program, ensuring new hires feel welcomed and supported, no matter where they are.