Both BambooHR & Horilla HRMS can manage adding & tracking allowances or deductions from employee pay.
You can store and manage employee contracts within both BambooHR & Horilla HRMS.
Both BambooHR & Horilla HRMS can store and track employee tax filing information.
Both BambooHR & Horilla HRMS can generate payslips in PDF format.
Create / Generate Payslips
Horilla HRMS allows you to directly create and generate payslips within the system, while BambooHR lacks this feature.
Payslip Status & Updations
Horilla HRMS offers functionalities to track payslip status and make updates if needed. BambooHR doesn't provide this.
Export Contract & Paylisps
Horilla HRMS allows exporting both contracts and payslips. BambooHR doesn't offer the export of payslips.